1 | Light | L |
2 | Land And Hold Short Operations | LAHSO |
3 | licensed aircraft maintenance engineer | LAME |
4 | low-cost carrier | LCC |
5 | load classification group | LCG |
6 | load classification number | LCN |
7 | landing distance available | LDA |
8 | localizer type directional aid | LDA |
9 | live human organs | LHO |
10 | Loading Instruction Report | LIR |
11 | last known position | LKP |
12 | Life Limited Component | LLC |
13 | Life Limited Part | LLP |
14 | localizer (ILS) | LLZ |
15 | land and marine | LM |
16 | lateral navigation | LNAV |
17 | letter of authorization | LOA |
18 | loss of control; localizer | LOC |
19 | line-oriented flight training | LOFT |
20 | limitation of movement | LOM |
21 | locator outer marker | LOM |
22 | loss of thrust control | LOTC |
23 | low pressure compressor | LPC |
24 | low pressure turbine | LPT |
25 | low pressure turbine active clearance control | LPTACC |
26 | localizer performance with vertical guidance | LPV |
27 | long range cruise | LRC |
28 | line-replaceable unit | LRU |
29 | loadable software aircraft part (EASA) | LSAP |
30 | longitudinal stability augmentation system | LSAS |
31 | line training captain | LTC |
32 | landing threshold point | LTP |
33 | low visibility procedures | LVP |
34 | landing weight | LW |
35 | landing zone | LZ |