Sunday, January 10, 2021

2Land And Hold Short OperationsLAHSO
3licensed aircraft maintenance engineerLAME
4low-cost carrierLCC
5load classification groupLCG
6load classification numberLCN
7landing distance availableLDA
8localizer type directional aidLDA
9live human organsLHO
10Loading Instruction ReportLIR
11last known positionLKP
12Life Limited ComponentLLC
13Life Limited PartLLP
14localizer (ILS)LLZ
15land and marineLM
16lateral navigationLNAV
17letter of authorizationLOA
18loss of control; localizerLOC
19line-oriented flight trainingLOFT
20limitation of movementLOM
21locator outer markerLOM
22loss of thrust controlLOTC
23low pressure compressorLPC
24low pressure turbineLPT
25low pressure turbine active clearance controlLPTACC
26localizer performance with vertical guidanceLPV
27long range cruiseLRC
28line-replaceable unitLRU
29loadable software aircraft part (EASA)LSAP
30longitudinal stability augmentation systemLSAS
31line training captainLTC
32landing threshold pointLTP
33low visibility proceduresLVP
34landing weightLW
35landing zoneLZ